
Ficlets Memory Idea #2: Ficlets Scrapbook

Okay, I know this technically isn’t a story, but it’s still related to ficlets and writing. Here’s another idea.

#2: Ficlets Scrapbook

Get a pretty scrapbook. In it, include:
what it says in your profile on ficlets,
your screen name,
pen name on ficlets,
when you first joined,
when ficlets was first created (October 31, 2006) and when it will close (January 15, 2009).
Also put in some of the most unforgettable ficlets you’ve read,
awesome ficleteers,
impactful notes/comments,
any pictures or other elements you used for inspiration,
character attribute webs/drawings,
additional pictures related to ficlets, etc.

Decorate the scrapbook with colorful paper, stickers, patches, fabric, and such. If desired, using hot glue, glue in some of the pens or pencils you used to write rough drafts with.

Once again, thank you ficlets so much for being so awesome, and I hope you guys liked these ideas!

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