
Earth to B(A Dancer's Tale)

Dance class ended and I walked into the bathroom, to find Carly splashing her face

She looked up at me, and frowned

“What do you want,”she growled.

“bathroom?”I replied, confused as to why she was being so rude.

“Whatever,”she mumbled pushing past me, knocking me into the wall.

“umm…I was kind of standing there,”I said loud enough for her to hear as she walked away.

“Oh sorry, I don’t speak loser,”she yelled back.

What was she? five?who says that, and why was she acting like this…we used to be bestfriends.

I finished up in the bathroom and walked back out on the dance floor to get my things.

“Hey B,”Riley called from where he was sitting with the other guys, he looked so cute, his dark brown hair falling in his eyes, those gorgeous green ey-

“Earth to B,”he said, now standing in front of me, smiling his wonderful smi-

I snapped out of it,”Sorry, I zoned out,” I said, blushing, and returning his smile.

“Well I’m glad you’re back,” he chuckled

My heart was pounding

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