Extraordinary Tasks
Judith looked at me, and then back at the princess. “But I am only Judith Smith! I have no powers, no magic!” She began pacing about. “Why me?” Judith asked incredulously.
“Why not you? Judith, sometimes, the most extraordinary task is asked of the most ordinary of men.” Princess Tuesday replied. “You shall have one night to prepare yourself. Naystrium will come for you at midnight tomorrow. Judith, Naystrium will be your guide, you must obey him. No one else may know.”
The following day, as according to Day-Lily, Judith very nearly told Lucas Warshaw every last thing.
“Luc.” She whispered during Biology. He turned around. “Come to my house at midnight tonight.”
“Are you dotty, Judi?” At this point, he forgot to whisper. “How am I supposed to get in there?” Their teacher gave him a stern look, then continued with the lesson.
“Trust me. I’ll leave my window open. Someone is gonna sneak in tonight.”
“That’s rather vague.”