

I’m done.

That’s it, I’m finished.

I’m through with all of this… all of this waiting.

Throughing wishing that you cared. Through wanting you to care. Through with you.

I’m done wishing you were something that you aren’t. Done wishing I was something to you that I’m not.

I’m not the kind of person who will just wait around forever. I decided that May 8th, 2007. And I’m going to stick to that.

I’m done.


I… wish that could be true.
I wish I could be that person. The person who wrote the rest of that. But she… she isn’t me. She is me… trying to be the old me.

She’s me trying to be the person I used to be. But I’m not the same girl, the girl who wrote in that notebook. I’ve changed.

I don’t think I could be through with you like I was with them.

you’re different too.
You actually care.

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