So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
Well, I heard through the grapevine that Ficlets is going down. Leave it to AOL to screw up something good.
Anyway, I made a few friends here, and thought I’d leave a departing note.
On Bagman, I hope to finish this someday, but lately my energies have been devoted elsewhere. My website is, which has some of my short story series’ on it, including 95% of the Bagman entries.
Other than that, thanks everyone for reading what I wrote and commenting, and I wish I hadn’t fallen out of the habit I’d made of this place. Was fun while it lasted! If any of you feel a driving need to get a hold of me, you can sometimes catch me on AIM ;
SN: darryl halivern
Or you can follow the link on my website to my personal email, but no junk please!
I wish everyone here well, a happy new year and to KEEP WRITING ! Creativity is so important, and this was such a good outlet for it. Shame to see it go.
What’s this? Did I make ficlet nirvana in my farewell note? Man, I am that good!