Bella To The Rescue
Bella drove her truck as fast as she could on the rain slicked roads on her mission to save Edward from whatever perile he was in.
Edward was surrounded by his enemies. Boys at school, Mike and Eric cheif among them. they were hateful of his love for Bella. their plan was to kill him, rid the town of him and his vampire family.
Edward, was pale of skin, an angry look in his pentrating golden eyes. They surrounded him like prey about to spring at him when Bella’s truck pulled up.
Edward didn’t want to harm this misunderstanding gropu pr jealous teenagers.
“Stop, what are you doing? Leave him alone, Mike, Eric, go back to your homes and I won’t inform Char.. my dad of what you tried to do to edward, Go on go”, she yelled.
“I could have taken care of them myself”, Edward said
sulkingly, “I didn;t need you to come to my rescue you know.”
“Just returning the favor is all, you rescue me all the time. Besides, I rescued them not you, They were the ones that would have been sorry had they attacked you.”