Call The Cops
I sweep my hair into a messy bun as I leave the restaurant. I’m tired of fighting this thing off. This guy is cutting me deep. Inside I want so much. But I’ve got to pretend that the only thing I want is for him to get away. Just as I attempt to subvert my thoughts from him, there he stands.
“Scott.” I say without breath.
“M’lady.” He responds, slipping his arm under mine. I relinquish for a moment.
“What’s this about?” I ask irritably.
“Is there no acceptance of chivalry these days?” He replies with concern.
“Listen, Lancelot, I’m sorry to disappoint you but shining armor or not, This isn’t gonna happen.”
“You’ve got to know something about men, Jewel. The more wit you use in telling us off, the more we want you.” He lets me pull my arm from his.
“A little something about women, the more you stalk us the closer we get to calling the cops.”
“You wouldn’t call the cops.” His statement makes my stomach turn. How does he know I steer clear of cops?