
The Balconey- Asleep Soundly in His Arms

After about a half an hour I heard footsteps followed by the door opening, “Jamie?” Brent whispered, “You still here?”

I closed my eyes slowly and hoarsly answered, “Yes. And-I’m sorry for how I’m acting. Just how-how nice and kind your mom is-and mine-” Brent crossed the room to his bed in three strides, “No no no Jamie, don’t apologize. Mom completly understood,” Brent joined me in his bed, wrapping his arms around me, “Don’t ever apologize for something like that”

“It’s just…she tells me things that my mother never said to me and then I meet your mom and she acts like she’s known me her whole life.” I shook my head in disbelief. It was silent for a bit

“Jamie…you should probably head back-”

“No!” I cried, turning around and burrowing closer to Brent’s chest, “I don’t want to go back. I fear for what’s there.” my words were muffled by Brent’s shirt.

He hesitated, then sighed and stroked my hair, “Very well then.”

At that time I felt so safe that I fell asleep soundly in Brent’s arms.

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