
Mother lied.

A small girl, Zoe, walked briskly down a dirt path. Small white chicken ran arround her feet and a soft tune was being hummed form her mouth. In her hands was a pail of water form the well and the feed that was attracting all the chickens. She passed two small children playing a game of tag and smiled
“Hey Zoe!” the girl cried out. Zoe simpley smiled larger. The boy playing with the girl simply kicked at the dirt. Zoe kept walking and went left down a gravel path when the one she was on forked. She began the long, winding trail that led to her small vilage and her bed-resting father. Her bare feet, tough against the hard pebbles, were covred in dirt and still damp form the small streem that she had washed them in earlier. Her long black hair blew in the soft wind as she turned the last bend down to her small village. She crossed the bridge and waved to the pregnant woman who lived next to her, who was watching her eldest son, Thebes, play in the water.

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