
The Balconey- False Kidnap

I gave her a confused look, “Wait why are you going there?

She smiled, almost evilly, “To file a kidnap report. Good-bye.” She ran to the door and I ran after her…but was too slow, “He didn’t kidnap me! For God’s sake!” I banged on my door, but it was useless; she was gone.

So I took a different route. I ran out to the balconey and jumped over the railing to Brent’s, banging on his door, “Brent!”

He slowly yet surely got out of bed and began towards the door. I tried to displace the fact he was shirtless. He opened the door while yawning and rubbing his eyes, “It’s a little early isn’t it Jamie?” Brent stopped rubbing his eyes to take in my features, eyes stopping on the red welt on my countenance, “Jamie,” He gently touched my cheek and I winced, “Did she do this to you?”

I ripped his hand off my cheek but kept hold of it, “That’s the point Brent. My mother is going to the station saying that you kidnapped me.”

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