
Marauders Moving In

My shot shattered the scootermech on Tasha’s back into a pile of junk on the ground. Tasha’s kick sent another flying, and she grabbed the third and broke its back over her knee. “Yeah, Tasha!” I whooped, tracking the scooters with my rifle. I put a shot into the one Tasha had kicked away; the others didn’t seem to be getting up.

Enemies are beink down! Tasha reported. Move in for phase 2!

I was already sliding down the pole and dashing up the block. Tasha needed me up close for this part. Funny thing about an automech—it could smash enemies in the open like nobody’s business, but it wasn’t much good inside a house.

Am readink one warm body inside house, Tasha said. Am wantink to take alive.

All right, I’ll do my best, I responded. But if it’s him or me, don’t be surprised if I pick me.

Standing to one side of the door, I eased it open. “Hello, anybody in there?”

A bullet from the other side of the doorway ricocheted off of Tasha’s leg. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

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