Residing Dreams (Chapter 302)
Yet if one was willing to defy all odds and take a chance at something they truly believed in, then they had every right to do so.
After a moment, I heard a voice in the distance. It was powerful, yet gentle and kind. The voice echoed the familiar words, “If you love someone, then you have to be willing to let them go. And if it is true love, then they will come back to you.â?
Awe and serenity filled my soul, and I was vigilant. I heard a soft coo, accompanied by the quiet flapping of wings. Something was flying towards me—a dove. It perched on my hand, and looked at me curiously. This couldn’t happen anywhere except a dream.
I remembered how my father once told me that doves and cranes were among the few birds which found one mate for life.
I smiled with delight. In spite of myself, I spoke to the dove. “Where you always free?â? I asked. The beautiful bird seemed to communicate the answer “no.â?