
Villan [2]

Now this was my saturday….

Personally told Harvey Dent to screw off and took his hostages … well hostage.

Took said hostages to a bank.

Wired a bomb to the bank.

Fired a couple rounds into the air to trigger someone to call 911.

Had a coffee and waited.

The hostages grunted under the duct tape covering their mouths. I walked up to one grabbing one by the head.
He repeled in horror and I noticed why, I had the gun to his head, Silly me.
“No i’m not going to kill you, in fact once Batman comes i’ll let you all go.” I said lowering the gun.

I heard a window shatter above and looked at a security camera.
“I’ve found my Bat! Hurry act like hostages and you won’t get hurt.” I waited for a response.
“Well.” I said raising the gun.
They began to squirm and kick and grunt.
“Good.” I grinned.

“I have hostages down here! I can blow this building immeadatley if you even attempt to free anyone or kill me.” I yelled.
He swooped down, trying to hit me.

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