
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today(manwhore series)

“Hey Aydan?â€? I asked.

“ya, Peyâ€? He said slightly dazed.

“Who was your first kiss?â€? I asked.



“Ya,what about you?â€? He said.

“You, I guess I was just trying to save myselfâ€? I said

“mm..I get thatâ€? He said.

“Has anyone really ever messed you up?â€? I asked him

“Like Sha-I, guess not.â€? He chose his words carefully.

“Okay, let me ask you something..Pey? When was the last time you did something for yourself?â€? Aydan asked..funny this was what Leila asked me a couple days ago.

“Uh…there was so much I forgot?â€? I said with confusion

“Right…after saving the whales, feeding the homeless and reading to the blind?â€? He said.

“Well…. okay, Ayd, what about you?â€? I asked, my eyebrows scrunched

“I stole youâ€? He said looking straight in my eyes

The thin wisps of hair strayed over his face.

His lips looked ever so inviting…..

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