The Prey of a Pirate!
The extended telescope focused in on the frigate. “English Trade Co.” read the blue lettering.
“Hows she lookin’ Capin’?”
Captain Alastor quickly clapped the telescope in, and tucked it in the pocket of his grimmy coat.
“Marvelous, and just out of port.” A grinn smeared across his face, showing his dirty teeth. “She be loaded!” This remark was met with the howls of the loyal crew. “All sheets to the wind men! Ready the cannons. She be ours!”
With that, the shirtless pirates in the rigging began to tie and untie knots, as the heavy gray sails rolled down the masts, catching the wind. Below the deck, barrels of powder and cannon balls rolled across the floor to a tune sung by the crew.
“You bring the gold,
we bring the fight!
We’ll plunder all day,
steal all night!
We fire our cannons,
like the beat of a drum!
But at the end of each day,
we be drowning in RUM !”
It was a retched sound, but it moved the ship like clockwork, as it approached it’s now panicked target.