
Live Earth

Julie swept her hair into a ponytail. “Fall-out Boy was awesome.”
“Yeah.” Evan replied. “So what are you gonna do?”
“What?” She snapped.
“What are you gonna do? To stop global warming?”
“I don’t know how we got on this subject.” Julie tossed her head back.
“That is what the concert, and all the other ‘Live Earth’ concerts were for. You do know that, right?” He looked at her incredulously. “So once again, what are you gonna do?”

This ficlet was written to remind everyone to do something for the environment. Our planet is NOT disposable, and if we act now, the effects are reversible. Today, all around the world, actors, actresses, singers, politicians, and commonfolk gathered at 8 concerts on all 7 continents (yes, even Antartica) to raise awareness for global warming.

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