
daddy's litle girl

she stared out the window watching the raindrops dance across the pane. they etched out stories of her past. the 5 year old her stood at that very same window and watched her father pack his truck with all his stuff. he was leaving. her daddy was going. she felt betrayed. she moved away from the window and sat on her mothers bed away from the window. she listened to the sounds of him slamming the door as he went in and out of the house and she could still hear her parents screaming at each other. her world seemed blank. why was he going away? didnt he love her anymore. as she thought back to that fateful day the tears welled up in her eyes. it had scared her for life but she refused to be victim to it. hindsight being what it is she knew that she was better off without him. he wasnt the best person for the job. she still felt the hurt. and the pain was still real. she continued to watch the droplets tell her story as she recalled the sound of the truck leaving. her daddy was gone and so was his little girl.

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