
An Apartment Between Them 18

Joe tensed as Kate’s eyes started watering. Stay with him, just don’t cry. “There’s plenty of counter space here. You can fit a toaster oven, a blender, and a crock-pot; there’s still have plenty of space to – cut up vegetables or whatever. And, the fridge and stove come with the rent.â€?

“Sorry, Joe,â€? Kate said softly, “we’re not getting this place.â€?

“Is there something wrong – with the apartment, I mean?â€?

“Yeah, actually,â€? she surprised both men, “it’s the kitchen. It’s just too big.â€? She turned her face toward Adam. “It takes up too much of the living area, don’t you think, Adam?â€?

“Exactly!â€? Adam seized the rope like it would get him out of a deep pit; instead it was about to be his noose. “We get a place with a smaller kitchen and we have more room – for guests.â€?

“Adam, you’re lying.” The truth was just plainly spoken, a touch of disappointment in her voice.

“No, no I’m not.â€?

“You told me not two minutes ago that the kitchen was too small.â€?

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