

Nix. I still have no clue what he is…or why he torments me. I met him when I was 7. His brother, Nitt, had tried to killl me. Only ‘cuse I was Nix’s guarded. It was suposed to be three years after we met when I was suposed to really meet him. Fate is weird like that.

Nix…is hard to describe. He has long jet black hair, down to his knees. He wears boots all the time, black slaks, a grey or red shirt and always a black trench coat. Only I can see him, and hear him. He is my guradian, I am his guarded.

He lives in a diffrent world. One behind ours. His world is traped in the victorian days, but darker. He was asigned to me after he killed someone, as a punishment.

Suposivly I am to do somethign great. His kind only has one job, protect humans so people of other worlds don’t kill the important ones. This is his, and my, story. How we met, and how we died.

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