Alone Together
Yet tender our affection, and close our heartbeats, she was not here for me; she came outside for her own bitter solace. I covered her warm hands on my waist with my own. Her embrace became softer and closer.
In the enduring songs of the crickets and the owls I heard lyrics for all for which we could have no words. In an easy glance, I could tell her soul too was entranced by the cool music of the night. Her expression was unmistakable. There was no reason for either of us to make a sound. For words to be spoken now would create an opportunity only for more pain.
I thought of when we met, not the first few times, but later, when it all really began. The sensations of passionate intensity now returned again. But to the same severity with which my lips starved to kiss her, and as much as my tongue thirsted for her sweet skin, that much and more I hardened my resolve.
The time for us to be together together was over. All that was left us was exactly this … being as alone as ever together.