Mezins VS. Mantras
On Oct. 2nd, Van Mantra appeared on channel 527 holding a yellow flag with a blue square in the middle. In this broadcast, he encouraged his followers copy the flag and hang it outside.
“We must show our unity! The enemy approaches! Alone, we are weak, Together, we can be invincible.”
By Oct. 7th, Mantra’s flags were being givein away outside of grocery stores, at sports events, and on the streets, but not every house dawned the symbol. Each neighborhood was split up almost 50/50. And know it was clear who were following Mantra, and who followed the Mezin.
On Oct. 18th, the first of soon to be many riots, broke out in a large community in Kansas. This only stiffened the backbones of each side, and the riots grew more and more violent.
Van Mantra begged his followers to save there strength for the war, while the Mezin’s commercials subliminaly encouraged it.
In these riots, Yellow flags were burnt and torn from flag poles.
Soon, the Mantra’s learned to ignore the Mezin’s constent threats.