
Last Call

“It really hurt my feelings you know. Ordinarily I wouldn’t say anything. It’s just that…I just thought you should know.”
Her voice sounded strangely regulated and mechanical. The uncharacteristic monotone nearly distracted him from her actual words, making him wonder what could have happened to her in the past month when they lost touch that could have the erased the vibrancy that he fell in love with.
“Why did it hurt your feelings?”
What he failed to realize was that she was desperately trying to control herself lest those inevitable tears should betray her true feelings for him. She took steady breaths and paced her statements.
“It should have been so easy. We live in the same city. You made no effort to see me. But it could have been so easy.”
One slow tear followed by a deep breath.
“I don’t want you to think I’m in love. I just wish you would be a more considerate friend.”
Her voice was steady as her cheeks flooded.
“But I’ve got to go now. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Okay. Goodnight Rosie.”

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