She stood up in a rage, and rushed the wall. “I hate this, I hate this, I fucking hate this!” The words, pent up for so long, finally rushed out of her like a deflating ballon, her voice cracking. Lowering her hands that she had smacked agaisnt the tasteless wallpapper, she stumbled back to her bed. “I don’t know what to do,” She moaned, confused and hurt. Her face swollen from tears, her body stiffened from the shock, it was all she could do to lie, stiff in her bed, and try not to think. “It’s all so wrong,” she whispered to herself. Her parents had left her in this home, this pyscho home that she did not belong in. “It wasnt my fault, It wasnt! I had to! I couldn’t stand being fat, i’m disgusting..” her voice cutshort as anger overwhelemed her once again. Her eye caught her reflection in the mirror, and without thinking, she shot up and slammed her first through the dusty glass. The noise was startling loud, and men in white burst through her door and held her emanciated body down. “This is not my fault..”