The bones of the shoulder and upper arm. The humerus is the bone in your upper arm. The scapula is a flat, roughly triangular bone in your upper back at the shoulder. The clavicle is the thin bone between your ribs and shoulder. Being specific with names, I think, carries on Our Narrator’s obsession with names from earlier chapters. He’s very (and perhaps improbably) lucky that the collision with the john didn’t crush his neck or the base of his skull. But if he died, who would be telling us this story…?
YAY ! This makes me extremely happy for a few reasons…
1) you spelled debris correctly! Almost no one does! 2) wall..stall…rhyming hehe, i’m a spaz and that entertained me a bit. 3) specific bones, i knew what they were, very lovely way to slip in some “doctor vocab.” I love it when i can name a bone in the body no one else knows =]
Fyora Cartagan
Howie Amourscow
Sophia D'Soleil
Alexa ♥