She heard the muffled click of the car door closing and sighed. Lately it seemed that her life was full of sighs. She closed her eyes and let the salty ocean breeze caress her face and fill her lungs as she heard his footsteps work their way to her.
She awoke from that momentary pleasure to his outstretched hand and felt melancholy tug at her heart. How she longed for those days when such a simple gesture brought all the happiness she had ever sought. Reluctantly she took his hand in hers and forced her lips to imitate a smile, knowing all along that his heart understood the truth.
Together they stepped onto the sand and she felt the gentle prickle of the grains on her bare feet, just as uneasiness and doubt had prickled her heart for the past months. She looked up at the speckled sky, avoiding his questioning gaze as she yearned to scream her own question at the vastness that lay in front of her.