

She had no name. She had no past or future. She had no memories or feelings. She had no face or body. She was a soul. She was simply she. There was only one thing about her that made her anything. She was a dancer. Not just any dancer though. There were faster dancers, more precise dancers, and even better dancers. She was the only dancer who danced with her heart, not her feet, though. Her dancing was delicate, but passionate and powerful. She danced where she felt, how she felt. Sometimes it was slow and emotional, other times fast and unaware of everything.
One day, as she danced, she took in a deep breath, and the air was different. It hurt her to feel the difference. She lost her balance, and fell. Every part, down to the deepest depths, felt the impact. Suddenly she was Sara. Sara had a body and a face, a past and a future. Sara knew her future now, and because of her abrupt shock into reality, Sara knew that her future would not hold dancing. She was no longer there. She was no longer a dancer.

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