
Room 235

So there I sat. Between a stoner and a goth. Sweet.

Oh well, at least i had my leather pants.

The long-haired delinquant on my right smelled badly of smoke and it was giving me a headache. His faded gray shirt had, in white letters, “Led Zeppelin 1977” above a white naked man-angel. His legs were robed in ripped old light blue jeans. They wouldnt keep him warm in winter like my leather pants would. I rubbed the knee of my pants, feeling the texture, an orgasm for my fingers.

Captain Cheerful to my left was sporting a black “Korn” hoodie and baggy, chained-up pants that played Jingle Bells when he walked. His long straight black hair (Smokey McBongwater’s had been a dirty blonde and somewhat wavy) hung just above his shoulders. His face was dark around the jaw with stubble. At least Cheech had shaven.

Overall i wasnt too thrilled with either one of them. But they were better than the whiny PETA kids. They kept to themselves.

Well, the hippie laughed from time to time.

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