
Detention Part Two

Now, the sole flaw of my leather pants: The inability to hide a hard-on.

As i sat staring at her, i felt it. A bulge. Oh boy. Here we go. Lock up your daughters. Not wanting anyone to notice (especially not Crosy Stills Hash and Young sitting next to me who’s giddy laughter would be sure to draw attention) i tried to think of… softening things.

But my eyes still kept sliding back to her. With her suede jacket.

I was beginning to think it was the jacket just as much as it was her that was arousing me.

Although, her breasts outlined in suede made it even more confusing to tell.

I wanted to wwalk over to her and just rub the fabric of her jacket…
but that had Sexual Harassment written all over it.

And i was in trouble enough when i got home from just having a detention. I didnt need to be a murderer and sexual predator.

But still, she didnt look too old. 20 maybe. 21. 22 at the most. I’d be 18 in two months…

“To hell with it.”

I got up and (forgetting i was in the red)...

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