This One Is For You
Why is it that in your good moments, it is not so good moment for me? And when I get a moment of hope, you loose yours? Why can’t you just find another host to feed off of? You are about to be having a permanent bad moment and a mouth full of gravel this time and it the remains will always be there forever. I have determined to make sure that you never feed on me again and I will not abort this mission. By the time I finish writing this blog your greatest fear will have come upon you and it will not ever depart. These lighting bolts are routed just for you. These bolts of lightening have their aim targeted at you and they will find you. They were born just to fulfill the purpose to avenge me from the hand of eternity. This is the unbelievable that you will be made to beleive. Think it not strange that someone who had lost what I have and suffered as I did that I would fight back. No, I am not a fighter, I do not ever attack, I survive! By anyway, by any means, I survive and I always make sure I win