
Why I Love You

“Is that a…”
“But it looks like a-”
“I don’t think so.”
“But if you just squint-”
“Wouldn’t count on it.”
“What is a heart?”
“The cloud, Henry, look at the cloud, it’s in the shape of a heart.”
“Clouds fade, you know. They travel wherever the wind takes ‘em and never stay still for long. That heart o’ yers will trail off into some indistinguishable shape and it’ll just be another nonsense form in the sky.”
“Henry I hate you. I hate you like the clouds hate you. Why did I even take you cloud-watching?”
“Because I love you, hmm?”
“Oh yeah. But still. You’re so terribly harsh Henry, what if I said that heart was a physical manifestation of my love for you?”
“Then I would tell you to go find another one. That heart’s already half gone.”
He was right. The heart had faded into something of a ladybug, or a giant T-rex with broken wings.
“Well…regardless. I love you. I love you so much that clouds can’t even handle it, that’s why that heart melted away.”


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