
An Unexpected Change

The alarm screamed at me from my nightstand. I reached over and gave it what I thought was a little tap. It flew to the other side of the room, and landed, silently, on the floor.

“weird” I thought, as I sluggishly got out of bed.

I felt cold air on my thighs, which was odd, because my night gown usually covered them. The cool sensation made my skin prickle, and I touched my leg.

Wow, had it really been that long since i’d shaved them?

I walked into my bathroom and started brushing my teeth before I even noticed the intruder in my mirror.

I looked up, startled, and let out a scream. There was a tall, handsome man in my bathroom- and he was wearing MY nightgown and eye mask!

I freaked out, but as I screamed for help, I noticed that the man in the mirror was doing the same thing. I stopped, touched my breasts- they were gone!

I looked down at my own body, It was my hands touching the hairy chested stranger. I took another look in the mirror.

WHAT had happened?

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