
the moment

What happened? I stared at the tip of my finger, burnt. How on earth? Maybe I imagined it, but why was my finger black. Shut my eyes, could I do it again? Fire filled me and like a human match, my right hand exploded into a ball of light. A thin streak flying down the hall, illuminating the dark corridor. The light reached the wall, shattered into every direction and faded into nothingness. I stared at the wall, watching the light disintegrate before me. “Araiya”, a hallucination of a voice calling to me. “Araiya, do not tell anyone what you have seen. Do not show anyone your powers.”
“Who are you, what is this?” I still couldn’t process what just happened. “Who I am is not important,” he said. “Listen to me, do not forget. You have always been special, Araiya. Your sister and I were strong, but not like you with training and discipline. You are the most gifted we have encountered.” I couldn’t take anymore, I turned and ran to the woods until lungs and legs burned in anaerobic pain.

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