
The Other Woman: Part 3a: James

I didn’t mean to do it.

I met Sheila in grad school. Falling in love with her was easy. She was graceful in her movements; gentle in her touches; and easy with her laughter. I proposed after a week, but she didn’t think I was serious; I waited a year and tried again. Then, she was all tears, kisses and excitement. Finally, she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulled me close, and whispered, “Yes, James, absolutely.” I was so happy I picked her up and swung her around.

Things didn’t come easy for us. Jake was conceived before we were ready to be parents. When she told me, I lifted her off the ground and spun her around again. Then I instantly put her down and apologized for swinging a pregnant woman around.

Finding the right house took about three years, and then everything broke. Jake was an inquisitive bundle of energy and he filled us with joy, anger, confusion, and hope every day. We decided to get pregnant, but it wasn’t easy. Amy was born after a miscarriage; she’s been our blessing ever since.

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