
A Footstep to Many

Slowly he lifted his hand until it pointed straight at her face.
“You wouldn’t dare!” She yelled back.
And in one smooth mostion he pulled the trigger and watched her innocent body fall to the ground.
“I wouldn’t dare..?” And with that he ran out of the apartment.
That will teach her, he thought. Just the day before he heard a phone conversation about her having to break up with him because he was too much of a drinker. That’ll show her what drinking does, he continued.
“Hey you stop!” a neighbor who must have heard the shot yelled loudly.
He dove in between two houses and followed the alley until it led him straight to the river.
What to do, what do, he thought. his mind racing as he heard what sounded like footsteps about to turn the corner.
“JUMP!” A voice yelled and he quickly got shoved into the water.
When he returned up he saw a face that made his mind do jumping jacks. It was his brother. His brother that swore against him. His brother shouted a swear word and pushed them both under water.

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