“Her official name was the Stratofortress, but most people
called her the BUFF (Big Ugly Fat/Flying Fk/F**r/Fellow)
and a whole lotta other names that really didn’t describe her
at all. I never understood those names. I always thought she
was a beauty, with her 185 foot wingspan and over 50 years
of service, she stood the test of time – that’s for sure.”
Grandpa Gus said as he adjusted his forest green lazyboy
“What was it like flying the B52 , gramps?” Robbie said as he kneeled down beside Grandpa Gus.
“I’ll be honest with you, Robbie. I must have killed a ton of people because that’s what the BUFF was designed to do – to kill people and destroy property. I was about ready to retire when I was ordered to participate in Operation Desert Storm back in 1991. We used the BUFF ’s carpet bombs to demoralize the Iraqi soldiers. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like. Those bastards surely must have thought the world was coming to and end.” Grandpa Gus said.
“Would you do all over?”