
A Brief Glimpse Into the Mind of Fritz and Zooey

Fritz: What the hell…is that jazz music?

Zooey: Yeah, its “Jazzhole” by Free the Robots, if you complain, I’ll hand over all feeding of Mr.Williamson to you.

Fritz: You better turn it up then, I’m cumming with jazzness. Hey, look at this…Some website called Ficlets.

Zooey: Fic what? Let me see.

(both look at computer screen)

Fritz: Oh no they didn’t

Zooey: Is that…us?

Fritz: Who the hell is Nouvelle Bardot?

(both look around)

Fritz: Somebody is watching us. I smell a hint of conspiracy. The apartment is tapped.

Zooey: Let’s just forget about it…maybe its a coincidence or something.

(both leave apartment, Mr. Williamson the cat climbs up on the computer chair.)

Mr. Williamson: Logging into ficlets. Good, good.

Signing in…excellent, excellent.

Oh, look, I got a comment, people are really digging this Fritz and Zooey business.

Never would have suspected the cat.

All according to plan muhahahaha.


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