1- Illiyana...
Illiyana woke to darkness. She felt sick to her stomach and a searing pain flooding her senses. She felt that she was not in her gown, but in her undergarments. She couldn’t remember what happened or where she was. She just knew it was wrong. Scared to move to from her curled position on what she assumed was a mattress, she gently unwrapped an arm from around herself and tried to feel around. She felt along the wall next to her. Feeling nothing that would satisfy her need to know just where she was, she slowly sat up, placing her feet on the floor. She tried to stand but a sudden rocking of the floor sent her flying back onto the mattress. The yelp escaped her throat before she could catch it. Illiyana covered her mouth and decided to stay where she was. She pushed her thick dark curly hair from her face. Feeling that pain again, she drew up her legs and huddled close to the wall. A movement in the dark made her catch her breath. Holding it, she strained to listen for it again.