Change of Heart
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this!” he said as he stormed past his mother.
“David, I’m worried about you! You’re so…withdrawn these days!”
“Maybe I just don’t like this family anymore!” he retorted. Grandpa’s farm smelled disgusting, as always. The cow manure covered the dirt road that led to his house. The field with Grandpa’s huge herd of horses smelled even worse. The chickens ran free and them and their feces were everywhere. Only the strawberry patch didn’t smell like animal crap. And to think Grandpa expected him to take ownership of this 25-acre pigsty? He groaned, turned up his iPod, and headed for the strawberry patch. But once there, he kept hearing the strangest squeaking sounds that was definitely not the green strawberries. Finally he pinpointed the source of the noise and reached down. In his hand was the tiniest little baby rabbit he had ever seen. He ran back to the house with it. It was so thin! Surely it was about to die. But he was going to save it. And then… who knew?