it only gets better
Sludging to class on another wet afternoon in south florida. I knew it would be alaska as soon as I set foot inside the classroom. Why must they spend my tuition on air conditioner. Why not a couch or maybe a talking fish? I should have skipped Italian today, this sucks. I wonder how to says sucks in Italian. A white note stuck on the outside of the classroom door. That could only mean one of two things, that kid who rides his bike with a boombox duct taped to it has also started randomly taping notes on doors (distinct possibility) or our professor decided to bongiorno class from home today (more likely). I read the note, ITA section 101 cancelled. Well that’s lovely, I knew I should have stayed in bed. I about faced and started sloshing back to the dorms when I heard it, thrrrack. Thunder like the gods were pissed. Maybe they really wanted Italian class. The oldest campus tree split right down the middle. Smoke seared from the tree wound, lacerated branches hit the ground and a green ooze…