
Something's Burning

Judas sat in the hammock next to Zooey, her one companion.
The two sat there, picking out the raisins from their cookies and throwing them into the birdfeeder.
“Zoo?” She asked. His head turned slightly towards her. “Do you smell something burning?” Zooey looked at her, with a smirk on his face.
“Judy, you always smell something burning.”
“And you always say that you heard something in the distance. I smell something burning.” Judas retorted. Zooey sniffed the air.
“For once, you’re right. Something is burning.” Both turned to the house. Then, the temple. Then, the wooden swingset. All on fire.
“Zooey, did you hear something in the distance?” Judas asked ominously. Zooey bit his lip and nodded.

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