
superseded nastolgia 2

and when he runs for the grocery store and you give chase and have to scorn him alittle
you truly and deeply understand now what your mother meant
“this hurts me more than it does you”,
are you being neurotic watching the door of his school for fifteen minutes
in the parking lot on “that” very first day
and if so lets not get into the reasons why you were also cring,
but he’s a good kid and he scored two points for his team at that last ball game
(go cougars!)
and he’s also got streight a’s and b’s on his report card,
you notice the girl thing happening now
and there’s a fine line between a talk and a lecture,
also when did you stop showing him fun things to do
and he start showing you?
well high school was not so bad
but he’s off to college and youre watching another door from a parking lot,
but you came prepaired with tissue this time….........

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