

So, in separate directions they went towards their respective spires. Along the way, each of them encountered hardships. Hardships that could’ve been avoided had their companions been there. When they reached the spires, there were many demons there already. Horrible, evil demons with tongues of fire and eyes of coal. When Roger got to his spire, the Northern Spire, he fought hard against his enemies. Alas, in the end, he was overtaken by their sheer numbers. His main reason for being defeated was his lack of ranged offense with which to kill their sorcerers and archers. Had his companions been there, his victory would’ve been assured. At his last breath, he prayed his friends would not share his fate.

Sadly, his companions met much the same fate. Dryneas, the archer, went to the Eastern Tower. She was overtaken because of her lack of close-range expertise, as was Tyriz in the west. Moridan took the longest to slay, for his armor was thick and his spirit strong. However, it wasn’t strong enough.

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