Weight of the World
After first making the decision Jeff felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He wasn’t quite sure how to go about contacting this group the Mezin but he knew things would work out, after all he was still alive. At first the thought of contacting the Mezin scared him because the man called the messenger said the offer was revoked, but Jeff didn’t really believe that. If they wanted him to join they wouldn’t turn him down. As he passed an abandoned apartment complex he heard the cries of children, calling him, asking him to save them from the onslaught of spheres. He briefly considered helping them but then saw an approaching sphere on the horizon attracted to their calls. He kept walking. After about a mile he was pelted with small pieces of concrete and a cloud of dust filled the sky. He looked back back and saw the apartment complex was gone. Yep it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted offJeff Carter’s shoulders.