I Need *YOUR* Personal Advice!!!!
I positioned myself between the metal supports and slid the bar down in front of me. The room began to spin, and as it gained speed, the floor fell, and the wall I was now pinned to by cintifugal force tipped up on its side. After 2 minuets the room became level with the ground, regained its floor, and slowly stopped spinning.
We left the blinking lights of the “Gravitron” and ran to the “Tornado”, and half way through the series of spinning chairs, I felt deathly cold, and my throat felt like it was widening. My head bean to ache and as soon as i got off the ride, i fell over as an orange stream of vomit left my body.
It’s been about 3 years, and I haven’t been on any ride to this date.
Now, I’m about to go to Cedar Point (Roller Coaster capital of America) with some very good, coaster loving friends, and i would very much like to share the riding experiance instead of waiting for them at the exit, and tossed from the frantic discusion on the ride.
Will I get sick? How can i prevent it?! HELP !!!