
Information Only You Can Give

Opening the door with a long, painfull squeal, she looked up the dark, moldy stairway and thought that she saw a figure moving in the void at the very top of the stairs, only she couldn’t be sure.Terrified, she quickly flipped on the flashlight and then she gasped. On the very top step, she saw-

..A very docile man staring back at her. He appeared to have been waiting. On his lap was today’s newspaper, and he was seated on a small chair.

The worst part was the calm in his eyes. The look of expectance.

Of what?

“I’ve been waiting a long time.” He spoke with a faint Russian accent. When she didn’t answer, he kept speaking. “The trail you leave is very easy to follow.” He folded the paper on his lap, revealing how he’d sent her the message.
“Who are you? Why have you been following me since Moscow?” She asked.
“Ah, my dear. You have some information that only you can give…

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