
The meeting

As I sat on the park bench staring out at the lake, I wondered why he had chosen such a late time to meet in such a dark place. The sky above was a dark shade of blue, concealed mostly by a thick layer of clouds. The light from the lamp beside me cast an erie yellowish glow over the surounding area.

“It’s nice to see you again.”

I turned my head to see the comforting face of my boyfriend, Ryan emerging from the darkness. With his wavy, golden brown hair that just reaches his eyelashes. That pair of gorgeous gray flecked green eyes that seem to melt your insides when ever they look at you. And that smile that tells you he really means it when he says “I love you”.

I stood up and gave him a loving hug then looked up in his sparkling eyes. For some reason they didn’t seem so happy and I knew straight away something was wrong.

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