
Farmer's Court

Henry glared at the dishes, clothes, and garbage that had piled up. “Something has to be done!” He yelled.
Buy me a dishwasher. Nona wrote.
“We don’t have that kind of money!” He told her.
Oh? She wrote. You think I don’t know about your poker money behind the bed?
“No… That’s just… It’s really… Ugh! I’m going out.” Henry grumbled and grabbed his coat.
“We need to do something!” Farmer Green faced the crowd of men that had gathered in his barn. “The towns_men_ cannot live like this!”
“I say we go on strike, too!” Yelled one man.
“I say we put ‘em in their place!” Yelled another.
“I say we give them what they want!” Said someone in the back of the room. This person received a few friendly punches to the arm, and some otherwise not so friendly.
“Order! Order!” began Farmer. “If you will submit your proposals, we can begin to discuss them in a civilized manner.”

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