The Loudest Sound Ever! (Based on a REAL event)
The loudest sound ever heard on earth came from the erupting volcano, Krakatoa, until 1998.
The OSS , or Oceanic Sumbmarine Sonar, was developed during the cold war to detect Soviet subs off the coast of Eastern coast of South America. Even years after it was deemed useless, it was still operating.
On Dec. 30th, the sonar picked up somthing other then the ocasional whale. What could only be described as a “roar” activated hundreds of sensors across the boarder. The pitch of the noise was too low, and the volume was too loud to be created by man, machine, or any animal..
After careful research, oceanographers around the world determined the sound was in fact organic in nature, but were absolutly baffeled by the volume. It was unheard by almost everyone, being under water, but South American governments none-the-less kept the sound a secret, and blamed the heavy tsunamis on sesmic activity.
The roar wasen’t heard agian until Dec. 30th, 2008, and this time it was heard across the continent.