
Dark Sky-A Memory of Blue Sky

The sky was a deep navy blue; stars were beginning to emerge. There was yelling inside of the door that I sat a few feet in front of, curled into a little ball and crying into my knees. Daddy stormed out of the house, slamming the screen door of our porch. I looked up from where I sat on the porch steps. He didn’t look at me, then, or ever after. He just stormed off, got into his car and drove away. Mommy came out and tried to talk to me, but I ran away. I ran across the steep hills of our farm ad finally collapsed on the top of the tallest. My 6-year old body shook uncontrollably. My lip trembled as still more tears trickled down my face. I lay there for a while and watched the Dark sky fade to the blackness of night.

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