I Wish It Were Real, I'd Put It To My Head & Shoot
“Where are you going, Matthew?” Flora asked.
“Just out into the courtyard.” he said
“Be back for dinner. Master said that it’s in an hour.It’s the big room, two doors down, on the left.” she said, point back up the stairs.
“Master?” Matt questioned.
“Mr. Branded. I obey him. He is my master.” she said, her green eyes hazing over a bit.
“But…you’re only a little girl.” Matt said, taken aback.
“I think that you should go now. Be back in time for dinner. Goodbye Matthew.” she said curtly.
At the bottom of the stairs, Matt stepped on something. It was Ken’s head.
“Shit,” he thought, “that girl is crazy.”
Matt picked up the head, and navigated himself out of the mansion. He walked out into the coutyard and made his way to the fountain. He pulled the willow aside, and stepped in. He sat down on the edge of the fountain. He was sitting right where Jamie had been.
Looking down, he saw something at the bottom of the fountain. A shining, silver gun lay at the bottom on a chain. He sighed weakly…